Production of reinforcing glass fibers from incinerator fly ash and other toxic waste.
The WBRM process allows to obtain reinforcing glass fibers with characteristics similar to type E glass fibers, currently used in the production of fabrics, geotextiles, plastic materials and bituminous membranes.
These fibers are obtained from the fusion in special plants of specific waste mixes consisting of:
– fly and bottom ash from waste incineration;
– coal combustion ashes;
– exhausted foundry sands.
This process is particularly suitable for the treatment of light ash from waste incineration, which contains important concentrations of heavy metals, anionic salts and dangerous organic pollutants (dioxins, furans) and which are difficult to recover with other recycling processes.
From the WBRM process, in addition to glass fibers, saline slag free of heavy metals can be obtained, which can be used as road anti-freeze salts.
The process is very interesting both from a technical and an economic point of view as energy consumption is even lower than that relating to the production of traditional type E glass fibers and as by using the waste it is possible to considerably limit the requirement. of precious raw materials.
The fibers obtained with the process have shown even better chemical stability characteristics than E glass and which could also be used in applications such as cement and bituminous conglomerates.
This process should preferably be integrated into the structure of a conventional waste incinerator and would make it possible to reduce the production of hazardous solid waste in this activity to practically zero.